Friday, May 21, 2010

School's Out For Summer!!

Today was our End-of-the-Year Party! We have worked hard all school year so it was time to celebrate! We had a yummy pizza lunch, played in the water, ate delicious cupcakes & snow cones, got a diploma, and most importantly we had a blast with each other! What a great way to end a great year!Michael on the slip-n-slide!Kenzie would just walk right down sucking on her binkey!Kate taking a turn in the pool at the end of the slip-n-slide!Carly making a splash!Kaden relaxing with a big smile!The kiddos are hanging around the pool eating their snow cones...and watching Zoe fetch the ball in the pool!And what party would be complete without water balloons! Deena (Michael's mom) organized a fun little game of toss...which of course made for lots of laughs!And here we are resting in the shade (getting ready to receive a diploma). Michael, Dylan, Kaden, Carly, Kenzie, and Kate...CONGRATULATIONS on a great preschool year! I am so proud of all of you for your hard work! Thank you so much for my thoughtful gifts...I will cherish them forever! Looking forward to a FUN summer!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Jen,
    Great post! Wow, what a lot of work! It makes me tired just looking at the photos - but I'm sure the children just LOVED it!
