Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First Day of Summer Camp!!

Today was our first day of summer camp and a full house it was! We had nine friends joining in on the fun. We learned about whales and had a blast on the slip-n-slide.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy Graduation!!

Congratulations to the future class of 2026 (and 2027 for Kaitlin).  Our little preschoolers have graduated!!  I am SO proud of all of them and have enjoyed working with each and every child for the last two years.  They have truly learned so much and I am so proud of them.  I know they will each go on to do great things.  CONGRATULATIONS on all the hard work.  Have a fun, safe summer.  Looking forward to summer camp.  XOXO, Ms. Jen

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sand Buckets

Yesterday we made our last Kids in the Kitchen...sand buckets. The kids all really enjoy making these delicious treats as well as eating them!! Thanks for all the supplies!