Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Farewell to 3s

Wow, where did the year go?  Today we said farewell to our 3s program.  We are all excited for Summer Camp and look forward to another great year next year as a 4 year old!  I am so proud of my little friends for all that they accomplished this past school year.  Thank you all so very much for my sweet gifts...you are ALL amazing (kiddos and their families).  Let's have a safe, fun summer!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

Today we read Cinco de Mayo books to learn some facts about the holiday.  Then we made these cute little Mexican Flags.  Ask your child what they learned...I did, and they told me some very interesting facts (parades, colorful clothing, Mexican food, sombreros, to name a few)!!